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What We Do Medical Coding Services

What We Do

Medical coding services were done right the first time!

Do you have too much on your plate to figure out or stay up to date with medical codes? We can help. Perceptive Consultants can improve the cash flow of your practice by providing accurate and timely medical coding services. We’ll get it done right the first time, so you’ll avoid claim denials and delayed payments.

How Do We Accomplish

Our coding specialists will identify issues with under-coding, and over-coding and identify solutions to keep you compliant and avoid problems that can arise with insurance payers that can eventually lead to medical record audits and reviews. If this happens it can lead to significant delays in payment and costly impacts on the work required to submit claims, including having to submit paper claims.

Partnering for Process Improvement

Unlike many that simply provide medical coding services support and corrections, we provide feedback and identify training opportunities for your clinicians. We identify frequent coding errors mistakes and identify solutions to prevent them in the future. This may include updates to the templates used in your practice management system to ensure that all appropriate information is gathered. Helping further streamline both your physician workflow and your revenue cycle.

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